Programming, Racket

How to reverse a list recursively in Racket

(define (yani-reverse L) [if (null? L) null [append (yani-reverse (rest L))(list [first L])]]) In plain racket, define is used to define functions and variables. The syntax, comes (define id expr) or (define (head args) body++) Above I defined a function called yani-reverse with L as argument which in this case is a list, parenthesizes and…

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Assembly, Programming

Introduction to MIPS

This tutorial will get you up and running with the great MIPS instruction set. MIPS stands for Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages, and it is a Reduced Instruction Set Computer assembly language. That means that the creators of MIPS designed it to be reduced or simplified, which is the reason that many universities around the…

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Linear Algebra

Vector Space

Vector space is a set of “vectors” with a notion of Addition such that: V is closed under addition V is commutative V is associative For every A there is a zero vector such that [V+0=V] For all Vectors in V there is a -V such that (-V)+V=0 And of a Scalar Multiplication such that:…

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